Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sail Ho!

As a MicroISV, it can feel like you are a small boat in a big ocean. You keep busy trying to sail to your destination and suddenly you spot a spec on the horizon. Sail Ho! Its another ship.

I what to give thanks to Starr at The Startup Lowdown who mentioned my blog and uISV yesterday. While I was on her site I found her reference to Tony Yates at Thinklife. Tony's blog is about his attempt to build a uISV from scratch. As I was reading through his blog trying to figure out what he is doing and where in his journey he is, I found this entry which is about a blog by Ian Landsman at A wealth of information. I'm not sure how I missed all the references to Ian in the BoS forums.

I've added these two blogs to my reading list, you might want to do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to have you on board. I'm looking forward to following your blog.