Monday, October 8, 2007

Google Reader

I had a former coworker mention Google Reader to me and I've been meaning to take a look at it. I've finally got a round to it this weekend. My list of blogs and sites I read has increased in the last few months. I started by having a separate folder in FireFox that I would open all tabs and look for new content over my morning caffeine. I know this is not optimal and there are RSS Readers (like Google Reader), but I like the idea of being on the site. Being on the site helps establish in my mind what I'm reader and for what purpose. But this was beginning to take a while, and felt a little wasteful with some blogs that don't update frequently. This morning is my first dry run at using the reader, and so far I like it. The one thing I don't like is it does not show how many comments there are on blog entries. So if I post a comment on a blog, if they have the feature, I have them email when a comment is added, but now I have to check two places for updates and that does not seem optimal. Not sure if there is a better solution. I'm going to keep using Google Reader for the next few weeks to see how I like it.

Google Reader also has a "Share" function which puts the link on your public reader share page, which from the SEO perspective should give a tiny little boost to those links.


Unknown said...

If you're into desktop solutions, you could have a look at UpdatePatrol. It will watch not only your feeds, but also website without feeds for updates. UpdatePatrol website

Anonymous said...

I used to use Newsgator Online, but I switched to Google Reader about a month ago. I wouldn't want to go back, Google Reader has been great. I mostly use it to track mISV feeds for the Digest blog posts, and it makes it a lot easier to manage a large number of feeds to skim over.