Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Like a lot of people, I'll be traveling to see family on Thanksgiving. For me its a 5 hour drive in the middle of the night so the kids will sleep all the way through. Combine a 5 hour drive with the need to stay awake, wanting to pass the time and the desire to possibly learning something is a problem in need of a solution. I've used audio books (fiction) in the past, but the selection is thin if you are concerned about what your kids will hear. The solution for this trip is Text2Go. If you follow TJ Etherton's blog, you will know he has been using Text2Go and is very happy with it.

I've always thought it was a great product, but I didn't have a need for it. Working from home eliminates my commute and I can't listen to any talking when I'm developing. Give credit to Mark Gladding who blogged about using Text2Go to listen to books from project Gutenberg last month and got me thinking about the idea. Instead of an audio book, I thought I'd try to learn something useful to my uISV. So I downloaded The Emerging ISV Handbook: Sales Is Not Rocket Science (www.isvprime.com.)

There was a slight snag with it. The PDF is 105 pages long, but the audio was only 6:40 minutes long. After trying a few things I pinged Mark asking for help. He quickly responded and said to look for any <> in the text as well as a lot of < when talking about numbers. A simple search and replace cleaned up the text and now I have 5 hours of audio ready for my trip.

The voice takes a bit to get use to so I'll have to see if I can stand it for 5 hours. I'll give an update after the trip and let you know how it went.

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