Monday, November 26, 2007

Post Holiday Review

A quick update on my activity over the holidays. I had a great holiday and I hope everyone else did as well.

Text2go worked well. Listening to white paper went well, except for a few issues. At first I was concerned about the voice, but it turns out you get use to it after a while. Nothing like a real person in my opinion, but not to bad. It did have a few "glitches" that I also got used to. For example it would read "M" as meters when the author was using it for millions. The white paper had its copyright and url on the bottom of every page which got very annoying. I should have removed it. That is not Text2Go's issue, it was reading the text that was there.

I only had one 5 hour track which is a pain if you accidentally skip to the beginning of the track. In the future, I would split it up by chapter to make it easier to jump into it. About 68 pages into it (of 105), it stopped. I'm not sure why this is. I have not looked at the text to see if I missed one of the '<' or if it was something with the IPod. Before it only showed up as 6:40 minutes long so I'm thinking this might be the IPod because it was showing that it was still in the middle of the track. But I was driving, which is not a good time to try to debug the issue.

My retention of the white paper is fair at best. I think I do better reading vs listening. Part of the issue is the material, a good portion was aimed at much larger ISVs which did not hold my attention as well. I plan on reading the new version when is released.

On the Scrum front, I found a topic that is of some interest to readers. That's a pretty cool feeling. I'll have a follow up post soon discussing my progress.

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