Monday, November 19, 2007

Pull The Trigger

I read a great post for over at Self Made Chick by Christine OKelly. In it she describes how she made $100K by spending 25 minutes and $0 in marking. She runs a SEO copywriting firm and this describes how she made the jump from searching for jobs on Craigslist to having 100K worth of work.

The key thing I got out of the post (and it is her first words of advice) was that you have to pull the trigger. She had a formula on how to build her business but she stalled. There was a list of things she had to do before she could execute. In reality, the list came from the fear of execution. In the end, she pulled the trigger and executed her plan and was very successful.

So how does this relate to my uISV. In both Web Work Schedules and Omni Customer Support, I have my own list of things I have to do before I execute. I know the list partially is based on fear and it is holding me back. Fear that I don't have as many features as my competitors, fear that there are bugs, fear that it will not sell, fear that I'm going after the wrong market, fear that I will not be successful.

Another factor that can make it difficult to execute is my consulting. It is a known quantity that is successfully paying my bills. I need to do the consulting work, but it can act like a crutch at times. The fact that I can fall back on that if I had to is great mental relief but I have to watch that I maintain my focus on my business and support it with the consulting vs. being a consultant that has a hobby project on the side.

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