Tuesday, November 27, 2007

new web app developer forums -- seeed

Paul Farnell launched seeed yesterday. According to the home page "Seeed is a place to discuss the business of web applications." There is a BoS entry announcing the launch. It is just getting off the ground and I created one of the early accounts (user #11). There are about 50 users now. I recognize a lot of people from BoS.

The goal is to be like BoS but with the focus on web applications. BoS is not limited to desktop development, but I would say that the majority of the applications there are desktop applications. It has RSS feeds and a weekly human edited digest of the best discussions on the forums.

I mentioned it on the BoS post, the key thing is achieving a critical mass of users. I don't know what that number is. There is not a lot of content yet, but what is there has been good. I hope it is successful.


smack416 said...

Hey Chris:

You mention in the "Tell us about your web app" thread that SMS is easy. Love to hear your feedback on this thread:


Chris said...

Hi Lee,
I posted on the thread on seed. The short answer is SMS via email. This works for sending messages to cell phones. I go into more details in my post.